What is Mega-Tau?
Mega-Tau is the 6.28...year class reunion for the MIT Classes of 2017, 2018 and 2019.
When is Mega-Tau?
October 10-12, 2025
Where is Mega-Tau?
Royal Sonesta Hotel in New Orleans, LA. Address: 300 Boubon St, New Orleans, LA 70130
Can I join the Discord?
Yes, use this server link: TBA
How much will registration cost?
How will hotel reservations work? Do we need to book our hotel rooms now?
Mega-Tau Committee has reserved a room block at the Royal Sonesta Hotel! The link to reserve rooms will come out by the end of February. Check your alumni email address for more details.
Why am I not getting the emails?
First, please check your spam folder, and be sure to whitelist emails from megatau@mit.edu. Otherwise, we use an emailing service through the MIT Alumni Association, specifically MIT10 for Tau Reunion. Log on to MIT10 with your Infinite Connection account, and under "My Account" confirm: (1) what email our messages are going to, (2) you are subscribed to the Events/Announcements list under "Email Preferences", and (3) what your preferred class year is.
I want these emails to go to another email!
Alums can update their own preferred email addresses by logging into their IC account and updating their preferences at alum.mit.edu, by going to log in > My Account > Subscriptions/Edit Profile/Email & Forwarding
I accidentally unsubscribed from alumni emails! How do I resubscribe?!
Please contact Alumni Records at mitalum@mit.edu or by calling 617-253-8270 and make the request during business hours Monday - Friday.
I took some time off and graduated after 201x -- how do I get added to this list to hang with the rest of my classmates?
You can update your preferred class year with the Alumni Association to be affiliated with the Class of 201X. To join a different class community, please contact Alumni Records at mitalum@mit.edu or by calling 617-253-8270 and make the request.
To make changes to your preferred email and alumni email forwarding, visit alum.mit.edu. To change your preferred class year, please contact Alumni Records at mitalum@mit.edu or by calling 617-253-8270.
What if I have a question that isn't listed here?
Email us at megatau@mit.edu :)